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Is everyone hanging out without me? (and other concerns)
by Mindy Kaling. In the conspiratorial tones of a cool older or younger sister or pal, familiar to her twitter followers, Kaling, best-known as a writer-actress on the American version of The Office, traces her path from sensitive, chubby, Indian girl to woman-about-town in TV's comedy scene. In observant, bracingly hilarious, and surprisingly poignant essays and lists, Kaling gives her opinions on life, love, and the ridiculous amount of time it takes men to put on their shoes without holding back. That's not to say she isn't gracious about her family, friends, and coworkers (except frenemy Rainn Wilson) and ultimately reserves her best ribbing for herself. Also strewn throughout the memoir are some of the most adorable (read embarrassing) photos of herself. The showstopper on the back cover depicts her as a coke-bottle-glasses-wearing, androgynous child holding a puppet. To a year noteworthy for great funny ladies dishing about life in the biz, including the likes of Tina Fey and Jane Lynch, Kaling is an exciting addition. --Booklist (Check Catalog)