by Katherine Crowley Get The Book
*Starred Review* Years ago, it was called the Queen Bee Syndrome, denoting the
propensity of female bosses to overdo their authority in the workplace. Now,
psychotherapist-consultant team and multibook authors (including Working with
You Is Killing Me, 2006) Crowley and Elster more precisely define the mean bee,
segmenting bad female behaviors into seven categories: meanest of the mean, very
mean, passively mean, doesn't mean to be mean, doesn't know she's mean, brings
out your mean, and group mean. Not enough differentiation among these
personalities, you fear? Relax; perhaps the most critical part of the book is
when the authors first describe the specific variations of meanness, then detail
not only particular actions but also your feelings and what to do (as well as
what not to do).