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Fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm : a new English version
On the 200th anniversay of the first publication of Grimms' fairy tales (Kinder- und Hausmarchen), celebrated British author Pullman retells 50 of what he calls the cream of the brothers' 210 tales. Many of his selections are familiar ( Snow White, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.), while others ( Mount Simeli, The Three Snake-Leaves, Lady Heinz, etc.) are less so. However, what all have in common, in Pullman's retellings, are a salutary clarity and directness. His style is conversational, simple, and straightforward, without frills and furbelows; but less is more, as Pullman proves by providing a wonderfully rich reading experience. His book is not only stylish in its simplicity but also scholarly. In addition to his elegant introduction, he concludes each tale with his own always interesting commentary and provides, as well, the tale's type (based on The Types of International Folktales, by Antti Aarne), its source, and a short list of similar stories. There are, of course, any number of English-language versions and editions of Grimm, but few are as felicitous in their telling as Pullman's. His book surely belongs on the same shelf as the very best of those that appeal to general readers of all ages. --Booklist (Get the Book)