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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Patios and walkways : expert advice from start to finish

 by Peter Jeswald. Covering walkways, patios, decks, sheds, and more, the second edition of Outdoor Builder features a better layout and more instructional details than the original, but without inspirational galleries. Black & Decker Patios & Walkways stands out for its detailed photos and step-by-step, logically arranged instructions; however, most of the designs are not particularly sophisticated or innovative. There is an original section on drainage options with projects. In the latest in a good series, building expert Jeswald (Basement Ideas That Work) offers sound advice and insights. With great photos accompanying designing and construction information, there are also trade secrets scattered throughout, like why using old house bricks in a walkway is a bad idea. Only six sample projects are outlined, but each uses different materials and techniques. As with many volumes in the "Black & Decker" series, some of the projects in both of these new books are available in other titles by the publisher. Step-by-step information and suggested variations make Outdoor Builder well suited for beginners; Black & Decker Patios & Walkways is overall the best choice for its excellent instruction and drainage coverage; and Jeswald's authoritative contribution will serve more advanced do-it-yourselfers. --Library Journal (Check Catalog)