by Chris Farrell. America's mad romance with consumer debt is finally on the decline, and Farrell, economics editor for public radio's Marketplace Money, guides readers to a healthier relationship with their finances. Personal finance is more than just money, he points out; it's about deciding how to live a good life, figuring out what you really cherish and value, then putting your money behind those goals and beliefs-and how living environmentally conscious is a natural outgrowth (and happy consequence) of living within your means. He examines the evolution of consumer debt and moves on to offer concrete advice on dealing with risk and debt, putting savings aside for investing, college, retirement, charitable giving-and realizing if and when you "have enough." With an emphasis on changing the way we live to make the most of what we have and promoting moderation, Farrell provides a solid and encouraging high-level overview of individual financial health. --Publisheer's Weekly.
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