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Friday, September 6, 2013

A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life

James Bowen (Get this book)
Books abound on the subject of how a dog or a cat can rehabilitate a person's life, but this account of such an event is stellar. Only a heart of stone will not be movedeven to tearsin bearing witness to the love of a London street musician for the gorgeous ginger tomcat he found one day in his apartment building hallway. The cat, soon called Bob, was injured, so Bowen took him in but planned to nurse him only for a short while. This is a beautiful, never maudlin story of second chances for both man and beast and a poignant testimony to how much caring for someoneor some felinecan give you renewed direction when you're down and out. Understandably, this was a best-seller when first published in Great Britain.--Booklist