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Friday, September 30, 2011

Only time will tell

View full image by Jeffrey Archer. *Starred Review* Archer introduces an ambitious new historical series, the Clifton Chronicles, and a compelling new character. The series will cover an entire century, but this volume spans two decades, 1920-40. Its central character is young Bristol lad Harry Clifton, fatherless and living in near-poverty conditions, who thanks to the sacrifices of his devoted mother winds up at Oxford University. It sounds like a simple enough story, but Archer, no stranger to thematic complexity, packs the novel with intrigue, mystery, and heartrending revelations. He also tells the tale in a slightly unconventional manner, eschewing straight chronology and devoting sections to several of the main characters Harry, Harry's mother, and a powerful businessman with ties to Harry's family, among others and examining the same period of time through each of the character's eyes. Slowly, like a jigsaw puzzle assembling itself, an entirely different story emerges, one involving Harry's father and the mystery of his sudden disappearance years earlier. What appears at the outset to be a straightforward coming-of-age tale becomes, by the end, a saga of power, betrayal, and bitter hatred. The novel ends on a deliberately dark note, setting the stage for the sequel. Archer is known for thrillers, and while this has some thriller elements, it will also appeal to mainstream historical-fiction fans. An outstanding effort from a reliable veteran. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: A new series from the perennially best-selling Archer is big news, and St. Martin's will be trumpeting the story at top volume. A 250,000 first printing will provide a well-stocked supply line for hungry fans. --Booklist (Check Catalog)