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One nation under sex : how the private lives of presidents, first ladies and their lovers changed the course of American history
by Larry Flynt. Assisted by history-professor Eisenbach, Flynt, the controversial publisher of Hustler and highly vocal First Amendment crusader, takes readers on a rousing and surprisingly educational history of the U.S. OK, it's not your grandmother's history textbook: this one focuses on the seamier side of American history. But, let's face it, the country didn't get where it is today without its share of sex scandals and shenanigans. From Alexander Hamilton's financial arrangement to sleep with another man's wife, to Bill Clinton's, um, indiscretion, the country's history was shaped, in a very real sense, by the lusty behavior of its movers and shakers. Readers expecting a sleazy and unpleasant book (those who, perhaps, associate Flynt's name with certain disreputable elements) will be surprised: the book is well reasoned, well written, and well documented. Flynt and coauthor Eisenbach aren't saying, Hey, look how much sex our forefathers (and -mothers) were having. They are saying, If you think modern-day sex scandals are unusual, blots on the otherwise noble history of our country, you'd better think again. And that's always good advice. --Booklist (Check Catalog)