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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

History of a suicide : my sister's unfinished life

View full image by Jill Bialosky. The unexpected loss of a sibling is always shattering, but when suicide is the cause, grief is rendered more complicated and haunting. The death of novelist, poet, and editor Bialosky's much younger sister, Kim, at age 21 in 1990 was one grim loss among many. Bialosky was 2 when her father died; Kim's father and Bialosky's stepfather abandoned the family when Kim was 3. Their mother suffered chronic depression, and Kim was both neglected and abused. The trauma of Kim's suicide was compounded by Bialosky's loss of two babies at birth. When her and her husband's adopted son reached adolescence, Bialosky realized she had to confront the wrenching facts and persistent mysteries of Kim's life and death. The result is a strikingly lucid, smart, and elegant investigative family history grounded in research into the act of self-annihilation and illuminated by literary forays. Bialosky's mantra is The more I know, the more I can bear. Her courageous anatomy of family secrets and tragedies, pain and guilt provides extraordinarily valiant and resonant testimony to the healing powers of truth and empathy. --Booklist (Check catalog)