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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

American Heart Association no-fad diet : a personal plan for healthy weight loss

 Lasting weight loss doesn't come from following extreme diets or quick-fix fads. Being able to lose weight3/4and keep it off3/4comes from choosing the lifestyle habits that make sense for you in the long term. If, like millions of other Americans, you are struggling to lose weight, this second edition of the "American Heart Association No-Fad Diet" will show you how to find just the right combination of attitude, eating, and exercise to achieve your goals in an effective and healthy way. Updated with the latest information on nutrition science and weight management, "No-Fad Diet" leads you through an assessment of your current eating and exercise habits and then helps you create a personalized program to fit "your" weight-loss needs and "your "lifestyle, instead of you having to follow a one-size-fits-all approach to dieting. --Summary (Check catalog)