by Dyan Zaslowski. Like the prophets of old, Rosalie Edge confronted and complained to effect needed change among the conservationists of her day. She made the comfortable, those holding on to the status quo, a bit uncomfortable. With the help of secret insiders, she uncovered many clear cases of corruption. Having learned successful battle strategies from her engagements in the suffrage movement, Edge rose from relative obscurity to correct the course of misguided conservation from the Depression to the Cold War era. So many quotes could be used to characterize Edge's work and impact, but the one most needed today is: "We have always found prudence to be a featherweight in the balance of our decisions." Much like John Muir, Edge lacked a scientific background based on formal training; like Gifford Pinchot, she was from a privileged family. Edge fought against the use of systemic poisons before Rachel Carson did. Unlike these well-known founders of the American environmental movement, Edge's story is largely unknown but certainly no less important. Writer/journalist Furmansky uncovers a true treasure and teaches readers a valuable lesson: one person can make a difference. Summing Up: Highly recommended. --Choice
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