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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Homeschooling : A Family's Journey

by Gregory Millman
The Millmans, financial journalists and homeschooling parents to six children, share their story and their ideas in this education memoir. They begin by describing their experiences with traditional schools and their reasons for opting for homeschooling. Then they detail their evolving theories of family, education, and learning from the past two decades. This philosophical journey will be especially interesting to readers with little exposure to homeschooling, as it explores the myriad styles, groups, and structures of homeschoolers—and shows that such a self-organized and unregulated world can offer success to students. Homeschooling families will appreciate the chapter about college admissions, which includes tips from admissions officers about perceptions of homeschoolers within admissions offices and college faculties. The Millmans also offer their own extensive admissions advice, based on their experiences of sending their three daughters to college. Some readers may take offense at parts of this work, e.g., the strong opposition to traditional schools and the attempts to debunk stereotypes by devaluing the religious doctrines and rigid structures that some homeschooling families consider essential.
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